Exhibitions & Publications
Annee Olofsson: This is Annee Olofsson
Publisher: Praun & Guermouche, Stockholm, Sweden
Contributors: Milovan Farronato, Alice Hutchison, Estelle af Malmborg, Ruth Noack, Aneta Szyłak
Concept & design: Sandra Praun & Oscar Guermouche
ISBN 978-91-527-1426-3
Kelcy Taratoa: Who am I ? : Episode 001
Quentin Wilson Publishing, 2021
Author: Warren Feeney, Commissioning editor, exhibition curator: Alice L. Hutchison, Translator: Hēni Jacob
Support provided and New Zealand distributor for Panayiotis Terzis, ‘Megalith Zero’, Nieves Books, Zurich, Switzerland https://www.nieves.ch/1542/megalith_zero
“Technology and Revelation: Bill Viola in Florence,” Bill Viola. Electronic Renaissance, Palazzo Strozzi, (English / Italian), Florence, Italy, Giunti Editore http://www.palazzostrozzi.org
Contributor, Art + Australia magazine online: www.artandaustralia.com/online/dispatches
Art + Australia, Discursion, ‘Learning from Athens: Documenta 14,’ Athens, Greece, 2017 artandaustralia.com/online/discursions
Featherston Camp 1916-2016: The Record of a Remarkable Achievement; Aratoi Wairarapa Museum of Art and History, New Zealand. ISBN 978-0-473-36240-9 view here
Contributor; Alternative Projections: Experimental Film in Los Angeles 1945-1980, John Libbey Publisher / Indiana University Press (David E. James and Adam Hyman, editors)
ISBN 978-0‐86196-715‐5
view/buy on amazon
Los Angeles Review of Books, February 2016
Millennium Film Journal, No. 62, November 2015
Milan Mrkusich: Chromatic Investigations, Aratoi Wairarapa Museum of Art and History, Aotearoa New Zealand
ISBN 978-0-473-29665-0
more info > aratoi.org.nz
Gary Baseman: The Door Is Always Open, Skira Rizzoli New York (exhibition curator, essayist. Contributions by James Heimann, Steven Heller, Aaron Rosen, April 2013)
Rizzoli: http://www.rizzoliusa.com/book.php?isbn=9780847840472
TIME: http://style.time.com/2013/04/24/the-creative-mind-qa-with-pop-surrealist-gary-baseman/
Research on filmmaker Curtis Harrington and artist Cameron for ‘Alternative Projections’ symposium organized by Los Angeles Filmforum, University of Southern California
2011 Kenneth Anger (2nd edition), Black Dog Publishing, London
Contributing author for Gustavo Artigas survey publication, Mexico City
David Amico catalogue essay, Reis Gallery, Singapore

Exhibition curator / publication coordinator, editor, essayist. in association with ASAC Archives of Contemporary Art, Venice Biennale and Maria Gloria Biccochi (2008)
Contributors: Maria Gloria Bicocchi, David Ross, Achille Bonito Oliva, Bill Viola; Alice Hutchison (May 2009).
UAM CSULB. ISBN: 978-0-936270-54-3
Building the Collection, Te Manawa Art Society 50 year anniversary publication, New Zealand (contributor)
Al Held’s Building Block Constellations in Al Held: The Evolution of Style, UAM CSULB exhibition catalogue (co-curator, publication coordinator and essayist)
ISBN: 978-0-936270-53-5
Lothar Schmitz: Survival Strategies, UAM CSULB exhibition catalogue essayist
Frederick R. Weisman Art Foundation Collection: Barnett Newman – Study for Vir Heroicus Sublimis, (Chapter on Barnett Newman, highlights from the Weisman Collection), Frederick R. Weisman Foundation, Los Angeles
ISBN-10: 0974090816
Aniwaniwa: Brett Graham and Rachael Rakena, co-author, exhibition catalogue, City Gallery, Wellington, NZ
Aniwaniwa: Brett Graham and Rachael Rakena, 52nd International Art Exhibition La Biennale, Venice Biennale collateral exhibition (exhibition curator, with Milovan Farronato and Camilla Seibezzi, publication editor / coordinator)
Contributing authors: Brett Graham, Rachael Rakena, Alice Hutchison, Sean Cubitt, Jonathan Mane-Wheoki
ISBN 13: 978-0-473-11525-8
Think With the Senses, Feel with the Mind: ed. Robert Storr, Aniwaniwa: Brett Graham and Rachael Rakena, co-author, official 2007 Venice Biennale catalogue (English / Italian)
Ray Thorburn: Line on Line retrospective, exhibition curator / publication author, Te Manawa Museums Trust, New Zealand.
ISBN 978-0-473-11903-4 https://alicehutchison.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/ray_thorburn_catalogue2007.pdf
Sara Hughes: Flower House, exhibition curator and catalogue essay, Te Manawa Museums Trust, New Zealand (March 10- July 15, 2007)
Joyce Campbell: Brittle City, Cellars and Towers, exhibition curator, commissioning editor/publication coordinator, Te Manawa Museums Trust, New Zealand. Author: Julianne Sumich
ISBN: 0 473 11016 4
Evil Eye / Say Hello Then Wave Goodbye, catalogue text for Anneè Olofsson’s survey exhibition and monograph, Sweden:
Anneè Olofsson – This Is Who I Am Me And You, Västerås Konstmuseum, Kristianstad Konsthall, Umeå Bildmuseum, Sweden (book, ISBN 91-87952-30-0) (Swedish/English)
Evil Eye / Say Hello and Wave Goodbye (New Zealand, 2005)
EyeBlast: Hilary Baker and Philippa Blair, Cypress College Fine Art Gallery, Los Angeles, CA (catalogue essayist, March 2005)
Kenneth Anger: A Demonic Visionary, Black Dog Publishing Ltd., London (September 2004)
ISBN: 1 904772 03 X
Public libraries:
Joel Morrison, catalogue for Art Berlin, Germany, September 2004 (English/ German)
Philippa Blair ‘Cutting Loose’ catalogue, DoubleVision gallery, Los Angeles (February 2004)
Joel Morrison: Back To The Future, catalogue for Art Cologne (October 2003)
Philippa Blair: Maximal Abstraction March 2001, Los Angeles
Journal Articles
“Christopher Morris (Mary Goldman, LA),” Tema Celeste, Milan/New York, (review, Jan/Feb. 2005)
“Matthew Greene (Peres Projects, LA),” Contemporary, London, (review, February 2005)
“Navigating Te Manawa, Contemporary Art and Education,” Aotearoa New Zealand Association of Art Educators journal, Vol. 15, November 2005
“Blow-Up: Michelangelo Antonioni,” (feature article, Spanish) Origina, Mexico (January 2004)
“Matthew Barney – Cremaster Cycle,” (feature article, Spanish) Origina, Mexico (December 2003)
Contributing (and commissioning) Editor, West Coast US issue, Contemporary, London (November 2003)
“Kenneth Anger,” Contemporary, London (Feature article, November 2003)
“Courting Anger,” Afterall, published London/Los Angeles (Spring/Summer 2003).
Authored cover feature article and produced frame enlargements and stills from original films published for the first time for issue focusing on Anger, (editor: Thomas Lawson), pp.56-71.
“Malick Sidibé (Patrick Painter, Inc),” Contemporary, London (Review, October 2002)
“Aaron Noble – UCLA Hammer Museum, Los Angeles,” Contemporary, London (Review, May 2002)
“Eva Hesse – San Francisco Museum of Modern Art,” Contemporary, London (Review, April 2002)
“Allen Maddox: Systems of Disorder,” LOG Illustrated, Published by The Physics Room Trust –
Contemporary Art Space, Christchurch, New Zealand. (Feature article, March 2002, pp. 37-38)
“Los Carpinteros, ‘Transportable City’ – Los Angeles County Museum of Art,” Contemporary (CVA) magazine, London (Review, January 2002, p. 87)
“Bob Flanagan-The Pain Journal,” Contemporary Visual Arts (CVA) magazine, London (book review, commissioned)
“Public Offerings, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles,” Contemporary Visual Arts (CVA) magazine, London (commissioned)
“Counter Culture: Tatsuo Miyajima, ‘Big Time’, Hayward Gallery, London,” LOG Illustrated, The Physics
Room Trust Contemporary Art Space, Christchurch, New Zealand (review, Spring 1997, p. 10)
Flash Art, October 1997.
“Rescue- Laurie Anderson and Guests,” Royal Festival Hall, South Bank Center, London,
England. LOG Illustrated, The Physics Room Trust.
“A Pixelated Cousin,” Sean Kerr’s ‘Jaunt’, recent work in video. LOG Illustrated, The Physics Room Trust. (Article, Winter 1997, pp. 4-5)
New York correspondent for Monica magazine (Tessa Laird, editor):
“Assault and Batteries” Mediascape, Guggenheim Soho, New York. Review, Oct-Nov, p.22
“Westwood Ho! (Couture Meets Art on a Sartorial Adventure)” Article, June-July, p. 19
“Five Designers,” catalogue essay for fashion designer Marilyn Sainty, featuring Romeo Gigli,
Issey Miyake, Anne Demeulemeester, Comme des Garçons, Dries van Noten.
Sensory Overdrive, October 28-December 6, 1996. Ben Shahn Art Center, William Paterson College, Wayne (US).
Exhibition curator / catalogue author.
Werner Klotz – Sisyphus’ Flight, published by Kunstverein Braunschweig, Germany (English/ German, September 1996).
Werner Klotz – Sisyphus’ Flight Martin Gropius Bau, Berlin, Germany. Text for museum acquisition (German).
Philippa Blair – Micro-Organisms and Pacific Circuits, Janne Land Gallery, Wellington, New Zealand. March 1996.
Published Reviews and Articles
“Interdigitate 1995,” The Big Picture: new technologies issue, Moving Image Center, New Zealand. (Issue 7, Summer 1995, pp. 13-14).
“Performance – Stelarc Skewered,” Art News, Auckland, (Review, Autumn 1996. pp.9-10).
“Performance – From Scratch, 273 Moons”, Maidment Theater, Auckland.
“Andres Serrano – Reverence and Repulsion, The New Museum of Contemporary Art, New
York.” Craccum, Auckland University student association (Tessa Laird, editor)
“Encounter with Orlan,” New York. Craccum, Auckland University student association (Tessa
Laird, editor)
Internet Publications
LOG On-line magazine http:/www.physicsroom.org.nz:
“Allen Maddox: Systems of Disorder,” LOG Illustrated, Published by The Physics Room Trust – Contemporary Art Space, Christchurch, New Zealand. (Feature article, March 2002, pp. 37-38)
“Kraftwerk at Tribal Gathering” Luton, England (review)
“Laurie Anderson’s Meltdown,” Royal Festival Hall, South Bank Center, London, England
“Rescue: Laurie Anderson, Lou Reed, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Salman Rushdie,” Royal Festival Hall,
South Bank Center, London, England (review)
Lectures, Symposia, Radio
LAFilmforum/USC Alternative Projections symposium participant November 2010
Co-organizer: Art Historians of Southern California annual meeting / symposium, hosted at
University Art Museum, California State University Long Beach, CA in conjunction with art/tapes/22
Panelist, Art Historians of Southern California conference, Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA
Dunedin Public Art Gallery public presentation on U.S. filmmaker Kenneth Anger and American
underground film, Dunedin Public Art Gallery, New Zealand, July, 2006
Access radio, Interview on artist Jeffrey Harris, August
Newstalk ZB, New Zealand. AH interviewed by Ian Johnston about Te Manawa, aired May 24th 2005
WNYC (New York)/KCRW (Los Angeles)/ National Public Radio, Program Studio 360 (broadcast US
nation-wide), commentary on Los Angeles-based artist Sandow Birk’s “War of the California’s” (aired May 23, 2004) www.wnyc.org/studio360/show.html
WNYC (New York)/KCRW (Los Angeles)/ National Public Radio, Program Studio 360 (broadcast US
nation-wide), Interview on Ace Gallery’s exhibition with Santiago Sierra (April)
Radio interview on Tim Hawkinson’s ÜberOrgan – Ace Gallery New York, KPFK (from Miami,
broadcast throughout South America; Madrid, Spain; California and South Florida), LA, March
Guest speaker / conducted critical sessions with students at San Francisco Art Institute,
New Genres Department